Last Update : 07 Jul 2024

Principal's Message

Principal's Desk

"Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain; education should form the character, intellect of mind and enable the students to stand on their own feet"         Swami Vivekanand

The school is not only centre of learning but also encompasses a strong bond between faculty members, parents and the students where children are never robbed of their independence rather encouraged to gather the complete advantage of being under rules and regulations, because the school believes that whenever the adults seek control on a child, the child is lost forever. We are grooming our students to be confident, happy and secured youth of tomorrow.

They act as effective stepping stone to move from the familiar, safe cocoon of the home to the uncertain, challenging world outside.

"Excellence is not a one time achievement it is a habit"

Dr. Susheela Kumari
